Reflective Supervision & Consultation Training
The Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health® and First3Years are excited to partner to provide training through on-demand webinars. Webinar content consists of three 1-hr meaningful modules and best practice guidelines for Reflective Supervision and Consultation.
Webinar Series: Reflective Supervision & Consultation
Session 1: Reflective Supervision / Consultation: How Do I Begin?
This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in learning about how to begin the process of becoming a provider of reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) for professionals who work in the infant and early childhood field. This training will cover a range of relational details, like the core components of RSC, how to develop reflective supervisory relationships, and the types of questions to ask as the supervisee or consultee.
Session 2: Reflective Supervision / Consultation: Best Practices
This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in expanding their exploration of reflective supervision/consultation. The training will begin by introducing and reviewing the newly revised version of the Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision/ Consultation which describes the knowledge, skills, and practices that are critical to RSC. The training will then focus on 3 distinct ways that RSC may be provided: program supervision, group supervision, and virtual supervision. Those 3 modalities will be discussed through the use of case examples and examination of common questions, barriers, and lessons learned.
Session 3: Reflective Supervision / Consultation: Parallel Processing
This 1-hour webinar is intended for anyone who is interested in further exploring the parallel process within reflective supervision/consultation (RSC). The Best Practice Guidelines for Reflective Supervision Consultation say, “A hallmark of RS/C is the shared exploration of the parallel process. In other words, in RSC, attention is given to all relationships, including that between supervisor and practitioner, between practitioner and parent, and between parent and infant/ young child. It is critical to understand how each of these relationships affects the others.”
Are You an Aliance Member?
Contact info@first3yearstx.org to gain your $5.00 discount promo code for the RS/C webinars.
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Please note that the Reflective Supervision on demand courses are not included in our membership as they are presented in partnership with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health.